More than an inheritance from the 80's and 90's, the colored trousers revive nowadays in any shape you like: cigarette, skinny, or even pantalones.
I always thought that, if we wear different and colorful tops, why not do the same with the bottoms? Why do we only see jeans, black, white or blue pants walking around? So throw away your prejudice together with your thousands of pants that look the same, and think 'why not?'.
They can look great on anyone, so don't keep them in your closet!
Light colors go great with thin legs, and thick tights get along better with other colors such as green, blue or purple. With larger pants, any color will do, and for the men they also fit very well.
I'm betting on patterns everywhere too this year, I really want a green one and maybe I'll buy some with patterns this July, who knows? Bright colors are the face of the summer!
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→Colored Pants
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