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Blogger's Purse: Nana Fernandes

    Who's never a bit curious to know what's inside our blogger's purses?
    Today's interview is with Nana, our partnert from Maison de Nana.

    Name: Nana Fernandes
    Age: 22

    What's in her bag?

    1. Wallet - Miu Miu, bought at Catherina Labouré Jumble - Ipanema / Rio de Janeiro

    2. Glasses - Vintage, bought at Le Chloë-Sofie Boutique (from my cousin Raabe - @rabeezy)

    3. Scrapbook - Pucca, bought at Americanas Stores.

    4. Pen - I love Paris, gift from Lia from GlamRock.

    5. Pendrive - I'm always with my pendrive. Picking up images, storing files, it's always with me!

    6. Nextel - I find it a bit annoying, but I still need it lol.

    7. Blackberry - This one I love! I even call it Crackberry, from all the addiction it causes. With it I'm at social networks, receiving emails and looking at websites 24/7. Love it!

    8. Tissue - It's always good to have tissue in your bag, be it to take a bit of make-up glow off during the day or dry your lipstick... anyway.

    9. Mouth washer - I can't eat anything without having to feel a bit of freash air in my mouth. If the busy life or the place doesn't allow you to brush your teeth, it's perfect!

    10. Lipstick - Of an almost matte texture, this one from Tract's collection 'Chicletes' has a beautiful orange tone, I'm loving it! It's called Coral Gum.

    11.  Brush - of very soft and slightly velvety bristles, this on is for compact base powder and it's from Prada.

    12. M.A.C Studio Fix - Powder Plus Foundation - Powder base, I love having it on my bag and retouch my make-up when necessary.

    13. Book: Hollywood's Dark Star - Heath Çedger's Biography. This book I got as soon as it came to Brazil from a friend (@kabbal07) that knew how I liked (and still do) cator Heath Ledger. But because of my lack of time and need to read other books, only now have I gotten to it. I recommend it for fans!

    14. Camera - I love to take pictures (though I'm no "Yvan Rodic"), I'm always with my Canon EOS Rebel Xti, to register anything interesting I mind find around, and though everyone fears it might be heavy: it's not!

    15. Bag Inspired - it's my favorite! Inspired by Balenciaga's Motorcycle, it's made of mesh and it's my newest buy from LivBelle (sells on the internet).

    If we liked it, Nana? We want that Balenciaga for ourselves, NOW!

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Blogger's Purse: Nana Fernandes

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